Singha Park Reading Rooms are reserved exclusively for MFU Student, Lecturer and Staff.

To make a reservation, please follow the below steps;

  1. Check room availability by clink on the “Booking” tab
  2. Select the available rooms and times that you prefer to use
  3. Fill out an online form with your details then click the submit button
  4. Check the status of your room reservation, go to the "Booking" and "Information” tab
  5. To Cancel room reservation, please contact The Property & Asset Management Office or Call #6469

The rooms will remain locked at all times. The User can access the room by taking the key at the security guard desk in front of the room


  • The Reading rooms are purpose to support for the meeting, researching, doing projects, tutoring and group collaboration.
  • The User can make one (1) reservation a day for a maximum of two (2) hours per day.
  • Rooms can be reserved up to two days in advance or upon availability
  • Room reservations that are unclaimed after 10 minutes from the start are subject to cancellation.
  • Rooms are available first-come, first-served basis by submitting an online reservation only
  • While in the reading rooms, please keep conversations at a moderate level so other parsons are not disturbed.
  • Inappropriate conduct such as noisy, sleeping, overnight, fighting or writing on furniture is not permitted
  • Furniture must remain in the reading room and no furniture is to be added to or removed from the reading room
  • Do not leave your personal belongings in the reading rooms and any loss of your belongings will not be responsible


If you have any questions about the reading room or reservation problems, please contact The Property and Asset Management Office or call #6469

Remark: Due to the current situation of the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) and infection control policy, please follow these instructions;

  • Users must wear a face mask at all times, while in the reading room
  • Install the “MFU. Start” application to your mobile phone and scan the QR Code to Check-In & Out of the reading room
  • Check the temperature before entering the reading room
  • Please keep a social distance of at least 1 meter from others.

Thank you for your cooperation